
Euro-Sportring Mourns the Loss of Former Chairman Gerhard Aigner

It is with sadness that I have to inform you of the passing of our friend and former chairman of the Euro-Sportring board, Gerhard Aigner. He passed away on June 20 at the age of 80.

Euro-Sportring mourns the loss of a great supporter and ambassador. From 2006 to 2010 he served as a board member and from 2010 to 2023 he was the chairman of the board. Gerhard always felt strongly connected to Euro-Sportring's mission: promoting international contacts between sportspeople in order to contribute to a better understanding between each other. A mission without borders. Gerhard dedicated himself to this mission for 17 years.

We are eternally grateful to Gerhard for his immense contribution, and we will keep him forever in our hearts and memory.

Our thoughts are with his Carol and his family in these difficult times.

Alfred Ludwig

Chairman of the board Euro-Sportring

Euro-Sportring Mourns the Loss of Former Chairman Gerhard Aigner