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Age categories

Our age categories are abbreviated with U / G / W / M.

This means that we have categories for Boys (U), Girls (G), Women (W), Men (M) and Men veterans(M35/45)

Each year the categories are adjusted according to the age categories used by the UEFA and national FA's. Starting point is the year the tournament is held.

So in 2024, the category U11 is for boys born on/after 01.01.2013. For G15 it is for girls born on/after 01.01.2009.


The calculation is as following:

Year of the tournament (2024) minus the age category (f.e. U11) = 2024 - 11 = 2013. So in 2024 the  U11 category is for boys born on/after 01.01.2013.

U11 = boys born on/after 01.01.2013 (take 2024 - 11 = 2013)

U12 = boys born on/after 01.01.2012

U13 = boys born on/after 01.01.2011


G11 = Girls born on/after 01.01.2013

G13 = Girls born on/after 01.01.2011

G15 = Girls born on/after 01.01.2009



W-O = Women open age

M-O = Men open age

About Euro-Sportring

Who are the board members of Euro-Sportring?

For more information about the board, please click here.

How long does Euro-Sportring exist?

For more than 50 years, Euro-Sportring is a reliable and committed partner for all teams and clubs. For more information about the history of Euro-Sportring, click here.

Why should I travel with Euro-Sportring?

Each year, Euro-Sportring organizes more than 80 international tournaments in 12 European countries. All tournaments are approved by the local football federations and the UEFA. Euro-Sportring has tournaments which have an open registration and all age categories and playing strengths are represented in our tournaments. Euro-Sportring keeps the prices as low as possible, in order to offer an arrangement that fits every budget.

Information before registration

How many tournaments does Euro-Sportring have to offer?

Each year, Euro-Sportring organizes more than 80 international tournaments in 12 European countries. Each tournament has its own profile. Some tournaments offer a full day at the sports park with many activities and lots of matches. Other tournaments specifically offer less matches and activities in order to offer participants the opportunity to explore the attractions in the area or city.

In which countries does Euro-Sportring have tournaments?

Whether you want a tournament closeby or would like to travel a bit further, everything is possible at Euro-Sportring. Euro-Sportring organizes international tournaments in 12 European countries. In Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK.

I would like a tournament where my team can play a lot of matches. Where can I find these tournaments?

Various tournaments offer a full-day programme at the sports park with many activities and lots of matches. Please contact your local representative for more information. Click here for contact information.

Are player identification cards required at a tournament of Euro-Sportring?

Players cards are not mandatory in each country. However each traveler/participant in Europe needs to be able to identify him/herself. For more information please contact your local representative, click here for the contact details.

Is it possible to book a tournament online?

Euro-Sportring would like to contact you personally to look for a tournament that meets your needs and desires, therefore it is not possible to book a tournament online. Please contact your local representative about the possibilities. Click here for the contact details.

How can I register for a tournament?

If you are interested in one of our tournaments, you can request an offer online for the preferred tournament or you can contact your local representative to see what options meet your needs and desires. Please click here for the contact details.

Can I play with dispensation players in foreign countries?

Dispensation applications must be submitted separately with your local representative. A dispensation has to be acknowledged by your own association and the tournament committee. If a dispensation is granted, the player has to bring the original document to the tournament.

Which teams can participate in an Euro-Sportring tournament?

Euro-Sportring tournaments are open for every team registered with a local football association.
Football: Teams from the U9 until the veterans can participate in a tournament of Euro-Sportring.
Handball: Teams from the U11 until the seniors can participate in a tournament of Euro-Sportring.

Should I inform the association if I participate in a tournament of Euro-Sportring?

Teams taking part in football tournaments must have the permission from their national association and league.

Until which date can I register for a tournament?

A Euro-Sportring tournament can be booked until eight weeks before the tournament. The tournament closes 8 weeks before the tournament to ensure that the tournament is well organized, and that it will provide an optimal match schedule.

Can I register personally or is it necessary that I register with a whole team?

Registration is only possible with a complete team. Euro-Sportring has one contact person within this team, who represents the entire team and/or club and arranges everything for them. All communication from Euro-Sportring about the tournament (for example the quotation request, bookings confirmation etc.) will go through this contact person.

Number of participants / Teamleaders

What is the minimum and maximum number of participants allowed in each team?

In order to ensure that the sports programme runs smoothly, a team is obliged to bring at least 2 substitute players per team. The minimum number of players per team (exclusive of 2 team leaders) is therefore:
- Football (11 a-side): 13,
- Football (7-a-side): 9,
- indoor football: 7
- Handball: 9.
There is no maximum number of players for football, for handball the maximum is 14 players per team. For more information please contact your local representative, click here for the contact details.

How many team leaders are we allowed to bring?

Euro-Sportring has no maximum number of teamleaders per team, but there should be a minimum of two teamleaders for each team.

Are parents allowed to join the tournament?

Parents and/or supporters are always welcome. The programme at the tournament is however for the active participants.

Price information

What is included in the price per person?

The price of participation includes the following: information service, accommodation and meals. Euro-Sportring keeps the prices as low as possible,in order, to offer an arrangement that fits every budget.

Are there any additional costs?

Next to the price of participation, there are teamfee costs. The teamfee costs are registration costs per team.

Do teamleaders and/or parents pay the same price as the players?

The costs for the team leaders or parents are the same as the players.


Can Euro-Sportring arrange transportation to the tournaments?

Euro-Sportring can arrange transportation to the tournament by coach. You will always travel with a comfortable coach.
If you are traveling by plane or train, Euro-Sportring can often provide local transportation. Please ask your local representative about the possibilities, click here for the contact details.

Information after registration

Which information will I get before going to the tournament?

After registration you will receive the following items:
- Booking confirmation with all the (financial) details of your registration and a tour planning guide that helps you to prepare your trip.
- Approximately 10 weeks prior your trip you will receive a re-confirmation to double check your details and/or financial overview, toghether with a leaflet with some practical tips.
- Approximately 2 weeks prior the tournament you will receive your travel information with all the details necessary for your trip. This travel information will only be sent after the final payment is done.

If there are any problems at the tournament, is there someone from Euro-Sportring who can help me?

On arrival, you are personally welcomed and informed about the tournament details by the local Euro-Sportring staff . Additionally, the Euro-Sportring staff is available during your stay in case you have any questions. This contact person will speak at least English, but often they will speak several other languages. You will receive his/her contact details with the travel information.

Is it necessary that I take pennants to the tournament?

A great deal of work and effort has been made by the host club to ensure that your team enjoys a good tournament. It would be nice to show your appreciation of all the work done on your behalf by presenting the host club with a souvenir from your club.

How many matches are we going to play?

The number of matches that you will play depends on the tournament. Each tournament has its own ‘profile’. Some tournaments offer a full day at the sports park with many activities and lots of matches. Other tournaments specifically offer less matches and activities in order to offer participants the opportunity to explore the attractions in the environment. Please contact your local representative for the possibilities, click here for the contact details.

Where can I find the information about the match schedule?

The provisional match schedule will be published at least 1 week before the tournament on the tournament website. The final match schedule will be presented upon arrival.

Until which date can I cancel or make changes in my registration?

In order to avoid unnecessary cancellation costs, Euro-Sportring advises you to be certain about the number of participants no later than 8 weeks before traveling. Cancellation costs up to 8 weeks prior to departure are; EUR 12,00 per person with a maximum of EUR 225,00 per group. - Between 8 weeks and 1 week prior to departure 40% of the total amount due. - Within 1 week prior to departure 100% of the total amount due.

Which travel documents do I need?

The participants (including the team leaders) must have a valid passport or another travel document.

Luggage/ Clothes

Should I bring two different team outfits?

As the matches are in most cases divided over two days, it is advised to bring two team outfits. In case of bad weather or oponents with the same colours, a second team outfit can be useful.

Do I need special shoes for artificial grass?

In case the organizing club(s) uses artificial grass pitches during the tournament it is adviced to bring shoes with rubber studs. Metal studs are not permitted on artificial grass.

Do I need special shoes for indoor fields(futsal and handball)?

Shoes with black soles or studs are usually not permitted in a sports hall so we advise you to bring indoor sportshoes.

What should I bring to a tournament?

Euro-Sportring advises you to bring the following for a comfortable stay:
- Sportswear
- Spare sportswear
- Suitable footwear
- Daily clothing
- Travel documents
- A practice ball
- Participants list

How many pieces of luggage can I bring, when transportation is arranged by Euro-Sportring?

You can bring the following luggage; - one suitcase or sports bag of a normal size up to 15 KG per person - One suitcase / sports bag per team with the players' outfits – Do not bring a net with practice balls. In case you want to bring practice balls divide these over the bags of the participants (emptied)


Can I arrange the accommodation myself?

When you book a tournament with Euro-Sportring, the accommodation is included in the offer. It is not possible to book a tournament spot only. Euro-Sportring carefully select suitable accommodations for sports groups, accommodations that offer good value for money and that should be within the vicinity of the sports park. Please ask your local representative for all the possibilities, click here for the contact details.

Is it possible to book extra nights?

Are you interested to stay a night longer? Booking an extra night is in some cases possible. Please ask your local representative for the possibilities, click here for the contact details

What kind of accommodations does Euro-Sportring offer?

Euro-Sportring selects suitable accommodation with great care that suit every budget. Euro-Sportring offers accommodations like schools, sports halls, youth and group accommodations, bungalows and hotels.

Are boys and girls separated if they stay in the same accommodation?

Euro-Sportring does its utmost to separate boys and girls teams in school and sports hall accommodations so that each group has its own privacy. In this type of accommodation, local staff is always present to secure privacy and safety.

At what time can I access the accommodation?

The accommodation is available on the arrival day after 4 PM, and schools and sports halls are available after 5 PM unless otherwise noted.


Can we arrange a cancellation and travel insurance with Euro-Sportring?

The cancellation and travel insurance vary per country. For more information please contact your local representative, click here for the contact details.

If I apply, do I automatically have an travel or cancellation insurance?

The cancellation and travel insurance are not included. Euro-Sportring recommends to get this insurance for all your participants.

Is the club's money protected if Euro-Sportring go into liquidation?

In accordance with "The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992" all passengers booking with Stichting Vermogensbeheer Euro-Sportring trading as Euro-Sportring Operations, UK, Scotland & Ireland(Stichting Euro-Sportring) are fully protected for the initial deposit and subsequently the balance of all monies paid to us, including repatriation if required, arising from cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of StitchingVermogensbeheer Euro-Sportring trading as Euro-Sportring Operations, UK, Scotland & Ireland (Stichting Euro-Sportring).
There is no requirement for Financial Protection of day trips, and none is provided. This Insurance has been arranged by International Passenger Protection Limited and underwritten by Insurers who are members of the Association of British Insurers & Lloyds Syndicates.
For further information please go to

Meals & additional information

Can I make special meal requests?

Any special meal requests (for instance no pork, vegetarian) must be communicated to your local representative.

Do I have to cook myself, or are the meals arranged?

Euro-Sportring offers various meal possibilities. The most prevalent forms are: - Half board: breakfast and hot main meal -Full board: breakfast, lunch (packed) and hot main meal

Is it possible to bring my dog?

The possibility to bring a dog depends on the accommodation. Please ask your local representative for the possibilities, click here for the contact details.